Train times are only available 60 days before departure date.

The train time search will always return the quickest connections for your route, depending on the options you selected.

Prices are only indicative and should be confirmed at the sales point.

Connections between trains can only be guaranteed under normal circulation conditions, not being presented in this search the trains with connections with less than 5 minutes (with exception of Lisbon’s urban trains of 3 minutes). 

Be sure to check the journey details.

Whenever you use Regional or InterRegional trains as an addition to Alfa Pendular and Intercidades services, you can get 65% off the Regional or InterRegional tickets. This discount only applies if the Regional or InterRegional tickets are bought together with and on the same ticket as the Alfa Pendular or Intercidades journey and up to a maximum of 25% the total journey cost. If you choose to use any other Regional or InterRegional discount, it replaces the 65% discount. This discount cannot be used in conjunction with any other special offers, except return ticket discounts. 

Arrival and departure times for the Spanish stations are given in local time (one hour ahead of Portugal).

Timetables in PDF Format

Porto/Vigo | Celta train times 

Sud Expresso and Lusitânia Comboio Hotel – Circulation suspended