Tryp Hotels Partnership

Travel at ease and enjoy the comfort and convenience of Tryp hotels.

In order to enjoy the hotel discounts, you just need to have an Alfa Pendular, Intercidades, Lusitânea Comboio Hotel, Sud Expresso, Celta, Regional or InterRegional train ticket for a journey taking place 3 days after or prior to your hotel check-in date.

CP Services: Alfa Pendular | Intercidades | Regional and InterRegional | Celta (Porto/Vigo)

You can choose to stay at any Tryp hotel in Portugal, which has rooms in three to five-star accommodation with 16% off the best rate of the day (cannot be used in conjunction with any other special offer or discount). Breakfast included.


  • Porto Centre;
  • Leiria.

Booking contacts (subject to availability)

Working days from 9:30 to 18:30.

Say you are booking under the CP partnership CP.

When you book a room in the Hotel Tryp Coimbra - directly through the website - enter the Promocode "PassageiroCP" and get a discount.

TRYP Porto Centro

Conatct: +351 225 194 800

TRYP Leiria

Contact: +351 244 249 900