If you have a valid ticket for Alfa Pendular, Intercidades, Regional or InterRegional services and Celta train tickets as well as InterRail and Eurail passes, you can book and rent a car directly with Budget, benefiting from a 10% discount on the best online rate.
CP Services: Alfa Pendular | Intercidades | Regional and InterRegional | Celta (Porto/Vigo)
Period of use: 24 hours to 30 days.
Limit to begin the rental: 48 hours after arriving on the train shown on the CP ticket.
The other services are at the client's discretion and will be added to the final price without the 10% CP discount.
You have to show your train ticket when you pick up the car to prove you have the right to the discount.
Bookings are be made during the opening hours at each Budget station and are limited to availability.
Advance booking: 2 hours before you want to pick up the car.
10% off the best daily rate for online bookings:
Budget stations for vehicle pick-up/drop-off:
Customer support
Tel.: 808 252 627 (cost of a call to the national fixed network)
Opening hours: Every day from 8:00 to 20:00