To make life more convenient, you can buy Alfa Pendular or Intercidades tickets and top up your Lisbon urban train tickets at any cash dispenser (ATM).
The 'Multibanco' cash dispenser machines are quick, practical and safe.
CP Services: Alfa Pendular | Intercidades | Lisbon urban trains
You can buy your ticket up to 21 days in advance or just 15 minutes before the train leaves from where you are boarding.
How to buy tickets at the ATM:
The receipt serves as proof of purchase and shows the carriage and seat number.
If you want to make any alteration, please go to a station ticket office.
Available 24 hours a day to top up Lisboa Viva cards:
1) Zapping;
2) Normal and Youth CP passes, 4_18 and SUB_23;
3) Multi-operator passes: Navegante, Metro/CP, Carris/CP, L/CP (Carris+Metro+CP), Soflusa/CP, CA/SL/CP (Carris+Soflusa+CP), L/SL/CP (Carris+Metro+Soflusa+CP), RL/CP (Rodoviária de Lisboa+CP), LT/CP (Lisboa Transportes/VIMECA+CP), Scoturb/CP;
4) Social passes/Normal intermodal passes, 4_18 and SUB_23.
The first time must be at a ticket office.