anda is the mobile application that allows you to travel on the public transports of Oporto – those included in the Intermodal system – in a simple, fast and comfortable way.
With this application you can travel without needing to know all pricing rules of the Andante tickets, and you can be sure that by the end of the month, you will pay the least amount of money possible for your journeys.
CP Services: Porto urban trains
anda is available for Android smartphones – 5.0 version or above – equipped with NFC and Bluetooth. Check if your smartphone fulfils all necessary requirements.
If the answer is yes, you may install the App:
And you are set. You may now use your phone without needing an Andante Card.
anda can be used on the Andante public transport network
Travelling with anda is easy:
The application analyses your journey log during a monthly period and then shows the customer the most advantageous and economical pricing solution. The bill arrives to their homes by mail at the end of the month.
Journeys must be validated before the start of the journey by bringing your mobile phone close to the validator, holding it still 2 or 3 cm away, until the green light comes on.
For more information on anda you may download the guide, check the website at or call +351 226 158 151.